Using a Pocket Beagle

PocketBeagle is an ultra-tiny-yet-complete open-source USB-key-For computer. For more information on Pocket Beagle

Setting up the Pocket beagle

  • Install the debian image in 4GB or greater memory card from here.

  • Plug in the PocketBeagle to the PC using the USB cable.

  • You have two ways to use the PocketBeagle terminal

    • When the PocketBeagle is connected it automatically acquires the local IP of or depending on the Operating system. is for Linux based distros. Going on the local IP we get access to Cloud9 IDE and Bonescript which comes preinstalled. You can directly run commands from the terminal provided in CLoud 9 IDE.

    • The second way to proceed is to ssh into the machine like any other embedded device.

    ~$ ssh debian@

    The default password is temppwd

  • For Ubuntu share internet from the host PC through USB, however, the internet connection is quite slow when we use internet over the USB. Hence, you can consider the option of cross-compiling it on the host PC and them using it on the PocketBeagle.

  • Check your internet connection.

~$ ping

Follow the Getting started steps to install ThingsJS running

The configuration file is a required argument for starting the worker. It should contain the following information:

    "pubsub_url": "mqtt://localhost",
    "id": "node_00",
    "device": "PocketBeagle"

Make the required changes to the PocketBeagle file.

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