Interested in contributing to ThingsJS?

ThingsJS being an open source project is more than happy to welcome people looking to contribute to Things-JS according to their own needs.

There are several different ways to become a part of the Thingsjs community. We are looking for people with tech and non tech background to become a part of the project.

Why should you contribute to Things-js

Contributing to any open source project especially if it aligns with your interests is one of the best ways to get a better hold on a language. Students can contribute and use it as a part of their projects.

Companies interested in using ThingsJS in their current models can also help and help by putting in feedback or by contributing to it. Its a win win for both sides.

Contributing to the code is NOT the only way to contibute to the project. Please have a look at the contribute page to chose the area you are interested in contributing to.

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